Simplifying The User’s Investment Experience: TradingSMRT

3 min readMay 29, 2021


Trading SMRT is the imminent need for transparency and security in the field of operations with Ethereum tokens, prompted the creation of Trading SMRT and its utility token SMRT. The Differential key lies in the integration of skills and knowledge in an innovative model that provides a simple and secure user experience.

How it works:
The Trading SMART will facilitate the task through its platform. The user will have to make three central decisions
1. The number of SMRTs that he will enable in his wallet.
2. The moment to carry out the transaction beginning.
3. The number of transaction cycles that his SMRTs will run.
The users will be able to use their SMRT token within the platform, to carry out different operations, monitor them, knowing their location and volumes, and the results obtained, among many other data of the process.

The platform enables 1 to 10 cycles, each of which lasts four hours for regular users. Ten cycles, therefore, are equivalent to 40 hours. Once the user enables their wallet on the platform, the SMRTs contained in it are integrated into the total fund with which our SMRT Bot transacts. Subsequently, with the completion of each cycle, the SMRT Bot will refund the amount of SMRT resulting from the first transaction that occurs every 4 hours. The profit from the spread of each transaction will be divided between the user (regardless of their level) and Trading SMRT. Running the platform 24/7, 365 days a year.

Problems & Solutions :
Today there are thousands of currencies, and hundreds of exchange houses, which, depending on the geographical location where they operate, tend to present differences in the price between them. This opens a gap to the opportunity to take advantage of these differences to generate arbitrage operations. There are Below factors to consider when choosing to trade.
1. Projects with the same name or initials of description
2. Exchanges with offline wallets or in different Blockchain.
3. Lack of Volume.
4. Deposits blocked requiring manual approval by the Exchange.
5. Trading Commissions.
6. Timing, among others…
To all these variables, Trading SMRT presents a solution according to its AI algorithm, developed for the platform, and on which the main advantage of the Project is based.

BOT Assistance :
The BOT will collect all the arbitration orders initiated in a certain period of time (“Pool”) and will distribute the SMRTs of all those orders among the exchanges where it decides to operate (All with a previously validated TRADING SMRT account). Each operation to be carried out by the SMART BOT will already consider in the price difference calculations, the network fee for the transaction, plus a % of the withdrawal cost. In this way, when transactions are carried out, the price difference plus the operating costs will already be covered. If the BOT does not find in its analysis, a price gap that covers these differences, it will not carry out movements with SMRT. Thus reducing the risk of loss during arbitrage.

AI Algorithm: Trading SMRT presents a solution according to its AI algorithm, developed for the platform, and on which the main advantage of the Project is based. The volume will be given, by the pairs chosen by the BOT, but always taking as a parameter the 10 currencies with the highest volume of movements per minute.

The SMRT Token is a utility token. In itself it does not represent value, it does not grant voting rights and it does not matter a contribution for the realization of a joint business (either with TRADING SMRT or with other users of the Platform). The simple ownership of SMRTs will not generate any implicit or explicit profit for its owner. The usefulness of SMRT is that it will be the only TOKEN supported to operate within the TRADING SMRT platform.

Token Information :
Token Name: SMRT
Decimals: 18
Platform: ETH
Total Supply: 1000000000

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