Nov 5, 2021


TradingSMRT IEO on ChainX for the community members is already begun, and we thought of bringing you a guide to explain what you have to do to take part in the IEO

🟢 How do I participate in the TradingSMRT IEO?

IEO starts on Sep 3, 2021, and ends on May 01, 2021

Head over to ChainX website. Clicking on this link will get you right to it:

🔵 Users use Official website

To participate in the Crowdsale from the Official website, make sure you have Ethereum in your wallet

Step 1: Open

Step 2: Scroll Down and Click on Participate Button

Step 3: Log in to your account if you are new to this please click on Create New

Step 4: In your dashboard Click on Buy SMRT

Step 4: Enter the amount you’d like to Arbitrage and Buy SMRT

